About Us
PT. Koneksi Strategis Indonesia is a national private company established in the jurisdiction of the Republic of Indonesia with shareholders who are Indonesian citizens. The establishment of the company was intended to cover the information technology products built by Indonesian as an original work made in Indonesia, named "Komodo Platform", even though the core components consist of open source software which are assembled into one basic unit (platform) which can be used for various development based on big data technology.
The company founders believe that this platform will be very useful for companies or institutions that need the development of information technology solutions based on big data technology. Furthermore, with experiences carrying out implementation in several state-owned companies and ministries, the Komodo Platform is believed to be the solution of choice.
KOMODO PLATFORM V2 was built by a team of PT. Koneksi Strategis Indonesia, is intended to be the main solution for corporate data processing by prioritizing efficiency, speed and the latest technology.
KOMODO PLATFORM is built using best-in-breed software mainly from the Apache project (www.apache.org) which has a computational architecture that is different from traditional computing architectures with features: Process data in parallel and distributed fashion The ability to store data on distributed storage Process and analyze very large amounts of data (for some projects it can be up to Petabytes = 1024 Terabytes in size) The ability to process various types of data formats (structured, semi-structured and unstructured) and the frequency of data creation in a very fast time (up to milli-second in time, for example the data streaming process)
KOMODO PLATFORM V1 was built by a team of PT. Koneksi Strategis Indonesia, is build using j2ee standard and running on j2ee app server.
Yusuf Arief IndraDewa
Chief Executive OfficerRusli
Chief Technical OfficerSusilawati
Menara Salemba,
Jl. Salemba Raya
Paseban, Kec. Senen,
Kota Adm. Jakarta Pusat, Prop DKI Jakarta